P: (845) 657-2373
7th Grade Math
Welcome to 7th Grade Math
- Be in class on time. Two warnings will be given for tardiness. The third and following tardies will result in referrals to the office.
- Be prepared for class with a planner, pencil, binder and completed homework.
- Be courteous and respectful to fellow classmates and teachers.
- Follow all school rules.
Class assignments: Class assignments include daily warm-ups as well as brief assignments completed in class after the lesson to assure that there is an understanding of the concepts taught during that lesson Assignments may be collected and graded.
Homework: Homework will be assigned nightly as it is an integral part of the learning process.Homework may be in the form of a written or computerized assignment. Calculator use is dependent on the topic of study.
Written assignments: All assignments must be written neatly in PENCIL and must show all of the work necessary to solve the problems. If work is not shown, no credit will be given. Assignments that are not legible or that are written in ink will be returned to the student to be rewritten and handed in by the next class.
Written homework may be collected and graded by the teacher or visually checked by the teacher at the beginning of class. Homework that is checked at the beginning of class will be evaluated as follows:
Homework that is complete and neatly done will receive a “4”.
Homework that is mostly complete and neat will receive a “3”.
Homework that is more than half complete will receive a “2”.
Homework that is less than half complete will receive a “0”.
Computerized assignments: Computerized assignments must be completed following the guidelines for the given assignment. The score received on the assignment will become the grade for the assignment.
Late homework: Late homework will only be accepted for two days after the date it was due and will receive at most a 75. Homework not handed in within the allowed time will receive a zero.
Students are expected to make up all missed assignments. For a single day of absence, the missed assignment will be due the day after the student returns. For extended absence, a reasonable time frame will be set by the teacher.
Weekly Practice Assignments: Each Wednesday students will be given an assignment that will reinforce basic skills and/or practice problem solving skills. This assignment will be due the following Wednesday. The skills portion will vary throughout the year and is meant to reinforce the basic skills needed for seventh grade math and beyond. The problem solving portion will promote higher level thinking skills. This assignment should be completed outside of class and will be reflective of the new Common Core Standards. When indicated, calculators may be used to assist students with calculations or as a check; however, all work must still be shown thoroughly and neatly for credit. Use of a calculator does not negate the requirement for work.
All assignments given in math are expected to be completed independently. Students should not work in pairs or groups unless specifically stated by the teacher for an individual assignment. If it is evident that students have copied each others work, both students will be given the option of rewriting the assignment in order to earn credit. A second incident will result in a call home, with repeated offenses being given zeros.
Quizzes will be given every Friday! Quizzes will contain problems taken from the week’s assignments and from prior units as review. Quizzes are expected to take only part of the class time.
If a quiz is missed due to absence, it will be made up upon return to school. In the event of an extended absence, a timetable will be determined by the teacher and student.
Unit tests will be given at the end of each unit completed. They will be announced at least 1 week in advance and may/will take a full period.
If a unit test is missed due to absence, it will be made up upon return to school. In the event of an extended absence, a timetable will be determined by the teacher and student.
Binder: Students are expected to keep an organized binder. It should be divided into five sections: Do Nows, Assignments, Weekly Practices, Notes and Quizzes & Tests. Students may empty their binders periodically and may “store” all class activities, assignments and quizzes in folder at home upon notification by the teacher. Binders will be checked periodically by visual teacher checks and/or written binder checks.
Class Outline
1. Rational Numbers; fractions, decimals, integers: Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers.
2. Expressions and Equations: Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
3. Ratios and Proportional Relationships: Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
4. Percents and Proportional Relationships: Analyze percents with proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
5. Statistics and Probability: Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population. Draw informal comparative inferences about two populations. Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
6. Geometry: Draw construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them. Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure, area, surface area, and volume.
Class Grading System
Quarterly averages will be calculated as follows:
Classwork: 25%
- Warm-ups
- In class assignments
- Binder checks
Homework: 25%
- Written assignments
- Computer assignments
- Weekly Practice Assignment
Assessments: 50%
- Quizzes
- Unit Test (weight of 2)
Marking Period 1
Please see the 7th Grade Team Assignment Calendar
- assignments