Class Grading System
Homework and In-Class Work
Due dates are given for each assignment and is posted on the Homework itself as well as the calendar section of Mr. Cavallaro’s webpage:
Each homework is graded on a 100 point scale. Points are taken off for incorrect or missing responses based upon the questions asked. Points are also deducted for spelling, capitalization and grammatical errors.
Any and all opportunities for extra credit will be included on assignments. There are no other opportunities for extra credit for doing additional unassigned work.
Work is to be handed in on the due date. Late work is only accepted one day after the due date and is penalized 25%. No work is accepted more than two days after the due date. Cases of extenuating circumstances concerning late work will be determined by the teacher after discussion with the student.
Tests and Quizzes
There will be approximately one quiz every two weeks and one test a quarter (including the mid-term and final exam). Dates will be posted in class and on the calendar webpage.
All assignments, quizzes, tests and projects are weighted using the multipliers below:
Quarter Average
Do-Now Short Activity x1
Homework x2
Quiz x4
Test x6
Final Exam 1/10th of year average
Project weight varies based upon duration