P: (845) 657-2373
Introduction to Spanish
Course Syllabus
La clase de español
Grade 7 Introduction to Spanish Syllabus
Sra. Stewart
Class Description:
This is the first year of study in the Spanish language. Students will learn all the BASIC pronunciation and grammar rules of Spanish along with being introduced to the cultural customs and holidays of the Spanish-speaking world. By the end of this course students will be able to speak, read, write, and listen in Spanish at a beginner level.
Class Requirements and Expectations:
Learning a language requires that students speak in the target language in class and that they participate in all class activities. Students are expected to be present daily in class as their participation grade depends on attendance. There are no textbooks to bring to class. Students will use an iPad to do class activities as well as their notebook and paper. Students can expect to be graded on their iPad activities in class and their daily participation. All students are expected to speak Spanish every day in class.
*Please see the reverse of this page for more information regarding the use if iPads for this course and our online program.
Class Supplies:
· Marble/spiral composition book
· 1 folder (the folder will hold all your vocabulary sheets and is very important)
Grading Policy:
65% - tests and quizzes (all done on paper)
*Students should expect all exams to be written entirely in Spanish.
25% - class participation (this includes attendance, online work, and weekly do now sheets)
10% - homework (the majority of homework is to study and memorize vocabulary. We will complete five units this year and there will be one homework project per unit.)
Extra Help: I am available every Wednesday and Thursday afterschool vstewart@onteora.k12.ny.us
Estudio (online work)
· Estudio – Estudio is an online program purchased four years ago that follows the class text and workbook. Estudio takes the place of the textbook and workbook by allowing students to do all activities they would find in their books on an iPad under his or her own individual account. Estudio is simply a replacement for the text and workbook and is not a program that teaches Spanish to students.
· Students should expect to use estudio on a daily basis in class and they can also use it at home for extra practice. I have access to all my student’s accounts and their work is sent to me so I can review it, grade it, and then send it back to the student.
· Estudio will not be used for homework, but it may be used for additional practice outside the classroom as optional work.
· Estudio has many advanced features which allow for AP (accelerated) work. Throughout the year I will work on these accelerated assignments with students to allow for personal challenges. Any student who has interest in this more accelerated track of work can sign up for an AP account and work at home with my guidance.
· All students will receive their estudio username and code the first week of school. I keep a copy of all account codes in case students lose or forget their information. I have access to all student accounts and will monitor them weekly.
· Parents don’t need to access the estudio account of their child. All work done in your child’s account will be graded by me and that grade will be posted on the parent portal (mostly under class participation).
· The main purpose of estudio is to keep up with current technology and eliminate the use of textbooks, workbooks, and paper in the classroom. It allows for immediate (personalized) feedback on assignments, more control and responsibility on the part of the student to accomplish tasks, and allows students to work on advanced/higher level work at his or her own pace. Estudio is similar to the programs that are being used in foreign language classrooms in all colleges today.
· Writing is very important to me and students should still expect to write in their notebooks in class and write all exams and homework on paper. There will be an even balance between iPad use and paper and pen writing.
7th grade Introduction to Spanish Curriculum Checklist
First year of preparation for the Checkpoint A Exam
Preliminary Chapter
- Basic expressions, greetings, courtesy, simple conversation
- Numbers 1-30
- The date
- Telling Time
- Seasons & Weather
Unit 1: Personal descriptions & School Subjects (Chapter 1 of the text)
- The verb (ser)
- Subject Pronouns (formal vs. informal)
- Definite and Indefinite articles
- Singular verse Plural nouns, articles, and adjectives
- Negating a sentence
- Adjectives and agreement
- Question words (Who, What, Where from, Of what nationality, How?)
- Description sentences (describing people and classes)
- Nationalities
Unit 2: Family & the House (Chapter 2 of the text)
- The verb tener
- Age expression
- Describing hair and eye color
- Furniture
- The expression (hay)
- Directional phrases (side of, around, behind, in front of)
- Possessive adjectives
- Possession using (de)
Unit 3: School Activities (Chapter 3 of the text)
- (ar) verb conjugation
- School supplies
- Clothing
- After school activities
- Questions (where to?, when?, why?, how much?, What’s happening?)
- The verbs (ir = to go)
- The verb (estar) to indicate location
- The verb (dar = to give)
- The contractions (al) and (del)
- (a) personal
Unit 4: Food (Chapter 4 of the text)
- Conjugating (er) and (ir) verbs
- Meal times in Spain and Latin America
- Infinitive expressions (tener que, ir a, acabar de, creer que sí, deber)
- Spanish food customs (tapas)
- ADD food preparation verbs and vocabulary
Unit 5: ADDED UNIT (Household Chores / Los quehaceres)
- Describe activities that are done in the home (VOCAB!)
- Home appliances
- Extra furniture
- Add animals & caring for them
Class Resources
Spanish 2
Course Syllabus
La clase de español
Level II Spanish Syllabus
Sra. Stewart 2018-19
Class Description:
This is the third year of study in the Spanish language. Students will further their skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing in the target language. Students will continue to learn new grammar concepts and build confidence in their ability to communicate in Spanish. New topics of vocabulary will be studied with more emphasis on culture. Class will be taught in Spanish for the majority, and students are expected to speak Spanish as much as possible.
Class Requirements and Expectations:
Learning a language requires that students speak in the target language in class and that they participate in all class activities. The class participation grade each quarter is dependent on attendance, attitude, speaking in class and class activities. There are no textbooks to bring to class. Students will use an iPad to do class activities as well as their notebook and paper. Students can expect to be graded on their iPad activities in class.
Class Supplies:
· 1 marble/spiral notebook
· 1 folder
Grading Policy:
60% - tests and quizzes (all done on paper & entirely in Spanish)
20% - class participation (attendance, weekly do now sheets, behavior, online classwork, etc.)
20% - homework
Composite grading:
20% per quarter (4 quarters = 80%) 10% midterm 10% final = 100% total
Extra Help: I am available every Wednesday after school and I am available periods 1 and 8. I will be in Room 141 and my email may be used by students whenever they have questions at vstewart@onteora.k12.ny.us
· Estudio – Estudio is an online program purchased four years ago that follows the class text and workbook. All students in Spanish II used estudio last year in and outside the classroom. This year the program will be used in the classroom and not used as homework. The estudio program is simply the textbook and workbook in an online version which relieves the student from having to carry or transport books to and from class and home. It allows all students to do activities from the text and workbook online instead of using paper. All exams however will continue to be completed on paper. I will have a laptop cart this year and students may use their chromebooks as well to access their accounts.